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10 Tips for Success in Aleks 

1.  Memorize your login information.  Email Mrs. Cummings if you forget your password.


2.  Make sure your login information is glued into the first page of your planner.


3.   Take a look at the work that's been assigned  on Mondays.


4.  Take your time and check your answers for resasonableness.


5.  Designate a notebook and show your work whenever possible.


6.  Use all of your resources (Aleks support, Khan Academy, Learn Zillion, Blendspace and notes) to do your best work.


7. Complete the assignments within the window assigned because the work will not be available afterwards.


8. Pace yourself, you don't have to complete the assignments at once.


9.  Take advantage of one-to-one devices and do some Aleks during the school day.


10.  Communicate errors and/or struggles  directly to Mrs. Cummings.

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